Long Island Meditation

Apr 22, 20211 min

Register For World Meditation Day - May 21, 9 am ET

Updated: May 12, 2021

World Meditation Day - Register Now
May 21, 2021 | 9 - 9:45am ET

Join us on World Meditation Day as people from all over the globe come together at the same time to meditate. Let's send and receive powerful energy to each other from around the globe! If you're experienced or have never done meditation before, your energy is important.

Meditation unlocks awareness of our true nature allowing us to see new abilities and potential. Using meditation to gain this awareness we can live a life of joy, happiness, and purpose. We can come to a place where we do not see the differences between each other but feel our oneness. This World Meditation Day should prove to be an unforgettable experience to bring us closer together and closer to nature, and the universe.

Experience how meditation can bring you unconditional peace, clarity of mind, and increased energy. Learn how to eliminate stress, which is a major cause of illness and aging. We’ll have heartwarming meditation stories and light stretching. We’ll explain where blockages in the mind come from and how to eliminate them. Then we can answer all your questions about how to use meditation for a life of happiness.

Meanwhile, check out this video.

CLICK HERE to schedule a free intro

Which meditation is right for me?

CLICK HERE to fill out a quiz to learn about what direction is right for you.

Did you know we have a YouTube channel? We post inspiring poems, readings, student reviews, and other fun content everyday!

CLICK HERE to explore Long Island Meditation on Youtube

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